Im going to provide a summary of our report to supervisor fewer on options of community banking. At the moment though, the slides are not appearing. I wonder if i might get assistance. Do you have a printed copy . I do and actually here we go. We can do it the oldfashioned way. Here we go. Thank you. My apologies for the delay. This was the report that we issued in december to supervisor fewer. It was update to 2011 report we had prepared for supervisor avalos, it covered some of the same topics, but it is different that we tried to focus on specific steps needed to be taken to establish a public bank. What weve done is provided an outline of the steps. There is obviously many more questions that would be need to be resolved to pursue that. So ill just start briefly with options for the city. There are commercial banks, thats what were using now. Theyre for Profit Institutions and theyre organized to provide a return to their private investors. Thats their primarily goal to maximize th
Im going to provide a summary of our report to supervisor fewer on options of community banking. At the moment though, the slides are not appearing. I wonder if i might get assistance. Do you have a printed copy . I do and actually here we go. We can do it the oldfashioned way. Here we go. Thank you. My apologies for the delay. This was the report that we issued in december to supervisor fewer. It was update to 2011 report we had prepared for supervisor avalos, it covered some of the same topics, but it is different that we tried to focus on specific steps needed to be taken to establish a public bank. What weve done is provided an outline of the steps. There is obviously many more questions that would be need to be resolved to pursue that. So ill just start briefly with options for the city. There are commercial banks, thats what were using now. Theyre for Profit Institutions and theyre organized to provide a return to their private investors. Thats their primarily goal to maximize th
One of the programs i was charged with was the city i. D. Program and when that was passed in 2008 and launched in 2009, one of the benefits of the city i. D. Program was so that someone could get a government issued i. D. And use that as a primary source of identification to open an account. Unfortunately, that hasnt happened. Its something i think we need to take a look at when youre looking at a municipal bank, to fold in the city i. D. Program because its a vital to the residents of San Francisco. I want to make sure thats not overlooked. Thank you for bringing that to our attention. They can support our residents that are not comfortable given the circumstances we have right now. So, yes, thank you. Supervisor cohen supervisor fewer. Supervisor fewer so thank you, id like to introduce fred brousseau. He works closely with my office as he and the staff worked on the update to the 2011 banking report. Im going to provide a summary of our report to supervisor fewer on options of comm
Government. May their efforts to find a workable solution to difficult issues result in legislation that will redown to the benefit of our nation. May all that is done this day be for your greater honor and glory. Amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. For what purpose does the gentlelady from florida seek recognition . Ms. Roslehtinen mr. Speaker, pursuant to clause 1, rule 1, i demand a vote on agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal. The speaker the question is on agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The aye vs. It. The journal stands approved. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from florida seek recognition . Ms. Roslehtinen mr. Speaker, i object to the vote on the grounds that a quorum is not present and make a point of order a quorum is not present. The
Im going to provide a summary of our report to supervisor fewer on options of community banking. At the moment though, the slides are not appearing. I wonder if i might get assistance. Do you have a printed copy . I do and actually here we go. We can do it the oldfashioned way. Here we go. Thank you. My apologies for the delay. This was the report that we issued in december to supervisor fewer. It was update to 2011 report we had prepared for supervisor avalos, it covered some of the same topics, but it is different that we tried to focus on specific steps needed to be taken to establish a public bank. What weve done is provided an outline of the steps. There is obviously many more questions that would be need to be resolved to pursue that. So ill just start briefly with options for the city. There are commercial banks, thats what were using now. Theyre for Profit Institutions and theyre organized to provide a return to their private investors. Thats their primarily goal to maximize th