This weekend, DreamHack Dallas is taking place and of course it's being held in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.Notable players attending include Fate|Arslan Ash, Moist|Hotashi, TMG|Tamago, Reynald, PG|KizzieKay, BC|LordKnight, AR|Wero Asamiya, Azeem .
This weekend sees the return of the Canada Cup Master Series and it's taking place in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.Notable players attending include Justin Wong, NYChrisG, PG|KizzieKay, K-Brad, Shujinkydink and more.
Battle Arena Melbourne 12 is happening this weekend and it'll be going on in South Wharf, Melbourne, Australia.Notable players set to compete include ORDER|Travis Styles, ROF, Somniac, GG|Sriks, Kanga|Jdizzle, Schenkhan, FURY|RaZe, Kanga|Ghost and .