They've been working without a contract since June, and they want a new one. Starting Tuesday, they're putting the pressure on with a "work to rule" protest..
Amherst school committees instruct superintendent to plan in-person learning
AMHERST Students throughout the Amherst, Pelham and Amherst-Pelham Regional schools should have an opportunity to attend school in person starting in April.
The three school committees voted unanimously on March 3 to instruct Superintendent Michael Morris to develop a plan in which “all students who want it” will be able to finish the school year with instruction at the elementary schools, the middle school and the high school.
Just two days later, the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education approved emergency regulations Friday giving Commissioner Jeff Riley the authority to decide when full and partial remote schooling will no longer count toward student learning time requirements. The following Tuesday, DESE decreed that all public elementary schools in Massachusetts will be required to open for full-time, in-person learning by April 5, while middle schools will be required
UpdatedMon, Mar 8, 2021 at 9:50 pm ET
Superintendent Julie Kukenberger told Patch early last week that the district is still operating under 6 feet of distance as it works to bring students back. (Mike Carraggi/Patch)
MELROSE, MA The teachers union president said getting educators vaccinated is an important step in the right direction, but COVID-19 precautions including maintaining 6 feet of distance in the classroom must remain to keep everyone safe.
Melrose Education Association President Lisa Donovan said in a statement Thursday the vaccine will help safely get teachers back in the classroom, but it doesn t represent suddenly fix teaching during a pandemic.
Amherst school committees instruct superintendent to plan in-person learning
Published: 3/4/2021 7:35:46 PM
AMHERST Students throughout the Amherst, Pelham and Amherst-Pelham Regional schools should have an opportunity to attend school in person starting in April.
The three school committees Wednesday voted unanimously to instruct Superintendent Michael Morris to develop a plan in which “all students who want it” will be able to finish the school year with instruction at the elementary schools, the middle school and the high school.
Allison McDonald, chairwoman of the Amherst and Regional school committees, said the votes restate a commitment to provide the right education for all students and to give parents and guardians the choice of continuing remote instruction, which has been the main method of learning for most students for about a year, or to have their children return to classrooms for the first time since March 2020.