“I was hoping by January, things would be caught up. That’s absolutely not the case,” Saldanha notes. “What I’m hearing from most manufacturers is that it’s going to take at least six more months to catch up.”
“I was hoping by January, things would be caught up. That’s absolutely not the case,” Saldanha notes. “What I’m hearing from most manufacturers is that it’s going to take at least six more months to catch up.”
Community Calendar: Rummage sales, hiking, Dylan Fest and more
To submit a calendar event, email editorial@superiortelegram.com or call 715-395-5000. The deadline is noon Wednesday for the Friday issue. Events are guaranteed to publish once.
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Superior Telegram | ×
Saturday, May 22
Superior: Our Savior s Lutheran Rummage Sale and Plant Sale, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 1924 Wyoming Ave. Furniture, dishes, kitchen items, holiday decor, books, crafts, plants; no clothing. Frozen pasties and burritos for sale. Cash only. Masks required. Free admission.
Solon Springs: Hike the North Country Trail along the Brule Bog Boardwalk in the Brule Spillway State Natural Area; 5 miles total. Meet at 9 a.m. at the St. Croix Lake Boat Landing on Palmer s Landing Road, northeast of Solon Springs. Free. Registration required; visit meetup.com/sscbhikers.