This year’s Michael King Writers Centre residency selection panel once again had their work cut out for them with the highest number of applications ever received for the 17 residencies planned across 2024. There were 141 applicants totalling 538 .
After a break in the residency exchange programme due to the global pandemic, we are very happy to announce that, Melinda Szymanik has been selected as the fourth New Zealand writer to join the Shanghai Writers’ Association’s International .
Kete Books and Storylines have launched a new monthly bestseller list to help showcase and promote the excellent junior and young adult fiction books written and published in Aotearoa New Zealand. View the Aotearoa Children’s Junior Fiction and Young .
New Zealand writer Emma Hislop and Australian writer Fiona Kelly McGregor have been announced as the recipients of the 2023 New Zealand-Australia residency exchange, an international residency programme held by Varuna, the Australian National Writers .