We were happy to welcome back Mary Halbleib in the mahjongg group. We enjoyed cake and wine and said a heartfelt thank you to activity leader Melanie Giangran
MahJongg is played every Thursday from 1-4 p.m. at St. James City Civic Association, however there will be no MahJongg on May 4 as the center will be closed for
There was a fun group of 13 mahjongg players at St. James City Civic Association on April 20. We were happy to welcome a new player, Elaine. Top scores were m
Mahjongg play runs year round at St. James City Civic Association, every Thursday from 1-4 p.m. On April 13 the top scorers were Peggy Finley with 170 points
On July 28 there were 13 mahjongg players at St. James City Civic Association. Usually the number of players is greatly reduced during the summer, but this summ