KUALA LUMPUR, March 7 The number of evacuees in the three states hit by floods has dropped slightly with 42,909 people still at 234 relief centres (PPS) as of 8 today. In.
KUALA LUMPUR, March 10 The number of flood victims in Johor, Melaka and Selangor who have been placed in temporary relief centres has dropped to 313 people from 80 families this evening compared to 449 people from 120 families this morning. According to the latest report on floods nationwide.
JASIN, Dec 29 The persistent high water level in Sungai Kesang has hampered efforts to pump out stagnant floodwaters from around Kampung Lanchang, Merlimau here, Melaka Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM) director Abu Bakar Katain said. He said JBPM personnel would carry out the process in a day.