0 1st coverage, jim mcdermott, senior member of the house, ways and means committee. as we look back at the calendar, it was two weeks ago when they assembled this team, the senate and house strike teams and what was their task versus the daily barrage of messages that we ll see on tap from the white house. can you explain the difference? it looks to me like it s all one plan because you really have to keep pushing and letting people know and try and build momentum in the public the real problem here is public education, if you have never had health insurance before, you don t know how it works and you ve never applied for it and never done anything, you need to be educated and there s a whole lot of people out there who have not had health insurance before or how to use it. there are a lot of people who don t have computers and a lot of people are watching television about this sort of thing, so you have a real public education problem that goes with any major social change like