Thanks for joining us. Former cia director has admitted the u. S. Has interfered in other countrys elections on Domestic Affairs when it was quote. No one likes a spoiler medlars interference especially when it comes to american elections theyre hooley pure and spoiled and unsullied or they were before the russians got to them they say but judge not lest ye be judged especially when you have a fetish for getting your fingers into foreign elections when i just dont mess around other people. Are only for the very good to see them through vine video and those former cia director a very good cause i never said the former director of the cia its funny because and when america does it when someone elses even suspected of doing it no no no no no no no bad bad did the russians break the rules or do something bizarre the answer is no a lot of cool said a thirty year veteran of the cia come on the cia root the book on meddling. Weve been doing this kind of thing since the cia was created in one