Hawa is a Bangladeshi mystery-drama film, written and directed by Mejbaur Rahman Sumon. The film is produced by Facecard Productions and Sun Music & Motion Pictures Limited and has become one of the trendiest movies of the year. The film stars Chanchal Chowdhury as Chan Majhi, Nazifa Tushi as Gulti, and Sariful Razz as Ibrahim or Iba, amongst others. A few days ago, Gulti, a
The Wildlife Crime Control Unit of the Forest Department has claimed that wildlife conservation laws were violated in the movie “Hawa”, particularly in a scene that shows a shalik being kept in a cage.
On July 29, Mejbaur Rahman Sumon's "Hawa" was released in 24 cinema halls across the country. The film, which garnered a positive response from audiences, has been successfully running in theatres for two weeks now. For the upcoming third week, "Hawa" will be screened in 48 cinema halls.
Mejbaur Rahman Sumon directorial debut "Hawa” is ceaselessly breaking records all over the country. In its second week, the movie is being screened in 41 cinema halls across the country, and its success has surpassed the boundaries of Dhaka and penetrated into the heart of Jessore.