A Socialist Equality Party member for 15 years, Virginia was 69 years old when she succumbed to an aggressive, inoperable and untreatable cancer, only three months after receiving the diagnosis.
Mehring Books, the publishing arm of the Socialist Equality Party (US), is proud to announce the publication of Volume 1 of <em>COVID, Capitalism, and Class War: A Social and Political Chronology of the Pandemic</em>, a compilation of the <em>World Socialist Web Site</em>'s coverage of this global crisis. We post today Evan Blake's introduction to the book.
<em>Pike River: The Crime and Cover-up</em>, published by Mehring Books, examines the causes of the 2010 New Zealand mine disaster, which killed 29 people, and the decade-long cover-up by successive governments and the judicial system, which have shielded the company leadership from prosecution.
In this work, Soviet historian and sociologist Vadim Rogovin (1937–1998) explodes the myth, shared by both anti-communists and Stalinists alike, that Stalinism evolved naturally and seamlessly out of Bolshevism.