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Nathan VanderKlippe/The Globe and Mail
A strong majority of Canadians both approve of Parliament’s declaration that China is carrying out genocide against its Uyghur Muslim minority and favour a harder line toward the country, including economic sanctions and moving the 2022 Winter Olympics out of Beijing.
A poll by Nanos Research for The Globe and Mail shows that 83 per cent of Canadians either support or somewhat support the unanimous vote by the House of Commons, declaring Chinese atrocities against Uyghurs and Turkic minorities in Xinjiang to be in contravention of the United Nations’ Genocide Convention.
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Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is warning Beijing of potential repercussions from the international community after its envoy to Canada rejected reports of genocide, forced labour and relocations of China’s Uyghur population.
Ambassador Cong Peiwu held a virtual news conference Wednesday with select Canadians news outlets, including The Globe and Mail, in which he faced questions about Parliament’s recent vote declaring that genocide was being committed against Uyghurs in China’s northwestern Xinjiang region.