your studio. be worth a lot of money. they re actually worth money. affordthat s how i afford the sy clothes. d sean duffy looks beautiful. okay, all right.uffy all here s what hasbro exact said today on fox and friends about thisx & frie growing trend take a listen. we saw a real increase during a pandemic of adults really self gifting or buying toys for themselves and collecting. and we re really thrilled see . mehe trend and we certainly see this is a trend that we believe will continue for quite some time. does this go along with and kids are sleeping inent s their parents basements. they re not growing up.ments they re not getting jobs.and no i mean okeeping , is is we re kg young adults young for too long. the grthe greatest generation, they were fighting wars we re in. yes. okay, our parents generation, saving private ryan , this generation is watching private ryan and complaining that the soldiers aren t diverse enough. it nd s definitely a softern generation. now, to