Drama student Megan Younger-Watson, 17, died in February 2019
- Credit: Supplied by family
The heartbroken mother of a bubbly drama student is demanding justice for her daughter and claims she was let down by the very system there to protect her .
Heartfelt tributes have poured in for the 17-year-old, from Ipswich Picture: SUPPLIED BY FAMILY
A coroner ruled her death as misadventure last week and highlighted two missed opportunities on behalf of her 16-21 supported housing scheme Christchurch House, in Fonnereau Road, where vulnerable Megan was observed to be intoxicated twice but official protocols were not followed.
Investigators declined to pursue charges against individual alleged to have sexually assaulted drama student
Det Connick also revealed Younger Watson had been in a same sex relationship at the time she died on February 16, 2019.
Investigators later declined to bring charges against the individual thought to have sexually assaulted Younger-Watson.
‘Megan was one of the most wonderful, bubbliest, happiest people you’d ever meet,’ her mother,
Natashia Younger-Watson, told The Sun. ‘She put everyone before herself. That’s why there’s been such a big tribute to her. She was absolutely amazing.’
The teen, a drama student at
Suffolk New College in Ipswich, had a history of anxiety and