Climate activists, dismayed and apprehensive over a proposed expansion of a natural gas pipeline across Oregon, gathered Friday evening in front of Bend City Hall to pressure local and state
Ville Platte City Council - Meeting, Tuesday, September 12th
The Ville Platte City Council met last night (Tuesday), and they were updated on the Animal Shelter. Planned improvements have been co.
Ville Platte City Council - Meeting, Tuesday, September 12th
The Ville Platte City Council met last night (Tuesday), and they were updated on the Animal Shelter. Planned improvements have been completed, but the shelter still failed the inspection. Problems include draining in the wrong direction, so trenches aren’t draining. There are no doors on the back of some kennels for cleaning, and the shelter requested roofs on at least two of the kennels so that the jumping and climbing dogs can’t escape. Back gates need to be repaired. The Mayor and City Council will work with the contractors to fix these problems.
The Council was presented with the new City website. Megan Norris, showed the new functions and pages on the website. Parts of it are still under construction, but it will be very user friendly, contain valuable links to pay bills, keep informed of events and activities in Ville Platte and link to important related websites. The site is cityofvilleplatte.c