he was accused throughout the primary as being a massachusetts moderate. you moved through debates to win the primary. romney won all five of the primaries. apparently when you buy four primaries, you get the fifth for free. mitt romney. mitt romney, a massachusetts moderate. if you don t run, chris christie, romney will be the nominee and we will lose. president obama took an oath to govern for all 50 states but he might only have to campaign in seven of them to take that presidential oath of office a second time. the new nbc news battleground map shows only seven states scoreded as toss ups tonight according to polling information. they are florida, north carolina, virginia, pennsylvania, ohio, colorado and nevada. and the bad news for mitt romney is that president obama won all seven of those toss up states in 2008. the first two obama campaign rallies are now scheduled for saturday, may 5 in, where else? ohio and virginia. if you don t live in one of the bat