Thats why youre going with speed, right . You are not putting this out to bid. We have not agreed on any pricing, but i can assure you before we were to sign off on a contract, we are going to make sure that this is the best value for taxpayers. Yes. Yep. Youve had a couple of questions around this, what kind of fights do you anticipate in congress when this, by [inaudible] and not having a competitive bid, there will be some pushback, right . Well, this wouldnt be washington if there wasnt pushback, but i dont expect, i do not expect anymajor fights on this. I think that the one thing i feel extremely proud about, about the way the congress has acted when it comes to veterans issues, is the bipartisan support when its the right thing to do for this countrys veterans. And i do expect that to, essentially, carry through on this. That does not mean that it is not appropriate to ask hard questions, to make sure that the Due Diligence is there, to make sure, as we said, this is a risky pro