Hospices are increasingly looking to buy, consolidate or merge to achieve administrative efficiencies and expand growth opportunities. Transactions between hospices present unique.
COVID-19 remained a substantial obstacle to hospices’ efforts to comply with quality data reporting obligations in 2021. Those challenges resulted in a number of hospices receiving.
The hospice election may be the single most important document for hospices since an invalid form can impact payment for a patient’s entire stay. Especially in light of a recent rise in.
For the last two-and-a-half years, hospices and other providers have been using billions in Provider Relief Fund (PRF) payments to prepare for, respond to and recover from the COVID-19.
Husch Blackwell’s Meg Pekarske is very excited to be joined by Jaysen Roa, President and CEO of Avow Hospice in Naples, Florida. Jaysen is a leader of action who is finding new ways to.