Friday, january 11th 3 3 jjut hhurs ago. The centers for Disease Control and prevention released new numbers. Showing just how bad the ffu is becoming. Becoming. The flu is spreading so quickly. That some us health ooficials are now states were seeing wwdespread activity. Now. 6 more stttes have been added to he list. Makinn t 47. If you still havent gotten vaccinated. Doctors say it takes about two full effect. Shot tootake meanwhile. The state of massachusetts is reportinn a shortage of flu vaccines. Due to a high numbee of cases. Earlier his weee. The state emeegency. This. After ore phan a dozen residents died from the flu. In one wisccnsin chool district. One out of every 5 some parents are keeping their children at home as a protective mmasuue. School Officials Say thee sanitizing alllhard surfaces to kill just hours from now. The suspect in the olorado movie a judge ruled lasttnight. Trr that he should stand trial on all 166 counts against him. Holmms is accused of killing 12 pe