The division bench of Calcutta High Court on Friday ordered a CBI probe into the Rampurhat carnage in West Bengal s Birbhum district where ten people including six women and two children were burnt to death following the murder of a Trinamool gram panchayat leader.
The division bench of Calcutta High Court on Friday ordered a CBI probe into the Rampurhat carnage in West Bengal s Birbhum district where ten people including six women and two children were burnt to death following the murder of a Trinamool .
In a video message posted on his official Twitter account, the West Bengal Governor called the incident a "horrifying violence and arson orgy" and said he has sought an urgent update on the incident from the state's Chief Secretary.
Mamata’s assertions came around the time when a section was trying to ensure that death snow-balled into a fiasco as part of an attempt to embarrass the government