Cambodia raked in $1.253 billion from the export of “electrical, electronic equipment” in the first five months of 2023, up 95.98 per cent year-on-year from $639.600 million and up 33.43 per cent half-on-half from $939.45 million, according to provisional Customs (GDCE) data in “International Merchandise Trade Statistics” bulletins.
The retail prices of regular-grade petrol and diesel respectively increased by 1.20 per cent and 1.30 per cent on June 11, according to a notice issued by the Ministry of Commerce.
The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) notices issued in the January-May period reveal that the government agency approved 61 new private investment projects – both inside and outside of special economic zones (SEZ) – totalling $516.64 million and set to deliver an estimated 76,310 jobs.
The Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ), the Kingdom’s largest industrial park in terms of size and occupancy, now houses 175 tenants, which employ about 30,000 people, according to local reports.
Australia will help Cambodia establish its first Agri-food Industrial Park (AIP) to process agricultural products, including cashews, cassava, rice, mangoes, bananas and vegetables.