“All topics can include a gender angle”.
These were the words of Valbona Sulçe, one of the four mentors who joined the Peer-to-peer activity bringing together journalists’ unions and public service broadcasters’ representatives in a workshop in Madrid, Spain, on 7-9 November.
The IFJ-led EU-funded project Rewriting the story ended, on 4 June, its second train the trainers session in Zagreb, Croatia, with journalists from all over Europe. The newly trained trainers will now be in charge of conducting their own national training using their new skills and the project s newly developed training modules kit.
On the 25, 26, 27 January, University of Padova students presented their final projects as part of the EU-Funded project “ Rewriting the Story: Media, Gender and Politics”.
The Saudi capital, Riyadh, will host the works of the 22nd session of the "Arab Radio and Television Festival" for the first time from 7 to 10 November.The festival, organized by the Saudi Broadcasting Authority (SBA), is expected to witness the participation and attendance of more than 1,000 media professionals