KUALA LUMPUR: The government has taken steps to maintain medicine prices at their current level, says Deputy Health Minister Datuk Lukanisman Awang Sauni.
PUTRAJAYA: The government wants to ensure transparency in medicine pricing so that consumers can compare prices and make informed choices, says Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad.
from texas, said cms is holding pharmaceutical companies hostage, jeopardizing future innovative treatments and the well-being of american patients. and the interest group pharma, which represents the pharmaceutical in industry, and spent something like $700 million lobbying on this, something like that, hundred million dollars. they say, what the white house isn t telling, you they re giving a single government agency power to arbitrarily set medicine prices were little accountability, oversight or input for patients and their doctors. with consequences long after the administration is gone. what do you say to the argument that this is going to stifle innovation in american drug research? well, during the inflation reduction act, deliberation in congress, the congressional budget office did a deep dive into this question. they really studied what the impact would be on innovation, and a future drug production. they found that it would limit the inflation reduction act would limit on