allowed back into the dy, and sending some sugarut through the proces of urination. and wsystolic blood pressureg or weight loss, it may help u wi both. invokana® canses, imrtant de effects, cluding dehydration, which mayou to feel dizz fai, lightheaded, or weak,pon standing. other sideffects may i ilude kidney problems, genital yeast infections, anges in urinati, genital high potassium,s, inses in cholesterol, risk of ne fracture, uriry tract infecs, possibly serious. seris side effects may include ketoacosis, which can be life threatg. stop takand call your doctor right awa if you experience symptoms. if yoexperience sympms of leic reactio such as rash, elling, or difficultbrth not take kana tell your doctor about any meds and medicationyou take.
faint, ligheaded, or weak, up standing. other side effec may inclu kidney proems, genital yeast inctions, changes urination, high potassium, increasein cholesterol, obone fracture, unary tract infection high potassium, incrpossib serussterol, seous side effec mwhich n beife threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience mp if u experice symoms of allgireaction such ash, swli, or difficulty breaing or swal. if u experice symoms do not take invokana® if y have severe liver or kney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about and medicationyou take.ons usininvokana® with a may e low bld suga insulin lower yourod sugarwith inv. it s time to tn things aroun imagine loving your numbers. ere s onlyne invoka®. asyour doctor about it by name.