out if you and your family members have problems. here to tell us more about it is dr. human, mela med. is he a spinal surgeon in california. thank you so much for, with us. sure. absolutely. ainsley: tell us about this d.n.a. test. d.n.a. test approved opioid test assesses a patient s risk of developing addiction, abuse to narcotic medication he is. and there is activity with psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and test genetic area of the brain the brain reward cascade system which helps to show if the patient can become addicted or have substance abuse issues. ainsley: how do you admin the test? very easy a swab in your mouth. a little swab in your mouth. off it goes and two or three weeks later you get the results back. ainsley: you can tell based on the results whether or not someone is going to be prone to an addiction and you test
your patients for narcotics? absolutely. the proof opioid test shows basically that what medication works for them. wouldn t you want to know if you have like surgery or pain, like rather than trying different medications this works. this doesn t. you directly go the to medication that works for you. and the optimum dose and minimizing side effects. ainsley: let s say you have a patient and you do the swab and you determine they are predisposed to addiction problems. do you give them medications because if they are prone to addiction, wouldn t they have a higher chance of being addicted? absolutely. exactly what you just talked about in the beginning. like this is epidemic problem. we spend hundreds of millions of dollars and the number one culprit for giving out the open yats is the doctors. knowing that knowledge that i have i m very careful how much i give narcotics. this is just for very, very short-term. i don t try to give it more than that knowing the results i am very caref
frugal in terms of how much i prescribe medication. ainsley: you operate on people s backs. you are a spine doctor. absolutely. ainsley: before you administer surgery you are going to do that swab to determine whether or not your patients are going to be addicted to their pain medicines, right? absolutely. and to see what the side effects are as far as what the optimum dosing is. it is amazing. some of the patients when you give them oh my god now i knew why this didn t work. i always knew why this medication don t work on me. ainsley: why don t all doctors use it? it seems simple. all kinds of reasons. i never learned about it in medical school or residency. we just learned protocol to do. you are not educated on that. so somehow i always like to think outside out box. and somehow i came across the proof genetic test and other problem i hate to say this but doctors sometimes want a patient to get addicted because the patient keeps coming back so they can keep writing the medicat
or you have a doctor with a bad blood pressure cuff. i want to quickly answer your point about diastolic. you want it the 82 or below. that study didn t look at it, but you don t really want it above 80. 80 is a target number for everybody. let me just say one thing. if you use any of those home monitor pressures, don t put it on your shirt or jacket. it has to be on your skin and it has to be the appropriate size because if you use a big cuff on a skinny person it s going to completely and also always put your arm at the level of your heart, not up here. don t want to measure your blood pressure when it s like this and sit for five minutes before you check your blood pressure and don t run up to the doctor and give you one pressure. how many times do you use a home monitor, how many times a day? use them at home, two or three times a day but when you go to your doctor make sure it correlates because a lot of my patients have the home monitoring systems and i get different numb
costa rica or some place else. should you only buy what s grown in the united states maybe or that s not the answer. unfortunately, you don t have much control over this, and this modernization safety for food that went into effect in 2011, i m not so much optimistic about this because it hasn t been working and the reason is our food chain system is so complex. we get 15% of our food from other country and 300 facilities from the outside are sending us food and if you are thinking by these guidelines you can stop the bad food, retailers and transporters but bottom line be in charge of your own food and what do we do? we ve talked about this, wash your hands and clone your vegetables and food thoroughly and keep your meats separate and invest in a good food thermometer at home and make sure you cook your food, your meat to 140 degrees and poultry to 160, and don t leave them out