Half of america. Social security numbers, birth dates, home addresses, phone numbers, even credit card numbers all in the hands of criminals. Ive heard from working families in massachusetts and all across the country since then. The equifax is a nightmare. At best it is a giant hassle. Time on hold with credit reporting agencies, fees for this service and that service, confusion about whats been stolen and what to do about it. At worst, it could be ruinous, a lifetime of responsible spending and borrowing wiped out by Identity Theft and fraud. People are outraged and rightly so. Bad enough that equifax was so sloppy that they let hackers into their system, but the companys response has been even worse. First, equifax hid the information about the breach for 40 days 40 days. Equifax gave criminals a 40day head start to use the information they had stolen while the rest of us were left in the dark. And then, when equifax fine lily decided to disclose the breach, they didnt call or send
For their child who has a disability. But its not just the children who will suffer if this bill is passed, it is our parents, it is the Senior Citizen of it is the Senior Citizens of this country. What every person should know, and i think and i fear many do not know, is that medicaid now pays for over twothirds of all nursing home care. So lets think about this for a moment. What happens if there is a 1 trillion cut to medicaid . What happens to our parents and our grandparents and people with disabilities in america who have their nursing home coverage paid for by medicaid today . Now, mr. President , i may be wrong, but i dont recall there has been one hearing to hear from groups like the aarp, to hear from Senior Citizen groups, to hear from doctors, to hear from nurses, to hear from Nursing Homes, as to what the implications are of a trillion dollar cut in medicaid and what it means for the families in this country who have loved ones in Nursing Homes. Now, there may have been a
The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by the guest chaplain, pastor Kenneth Codner, great baptist church, bellefonte, pennsylvania. The chaplain please bow with me in prayer. Heavenly father, i am humbled to be able to stand before you on behalf of this assembly here today. Lord, we are sinners, deserving none of your favor. But, father, i come to you in the merit of the lord and savior, jesus christ, who washed me from my sins in his shed blood. Father, we are aware more than any of the bitterness and bitter divisiveness throughout this room and across this nation of ours. I know that this grieves your heart, father. And i pray that we would repent of our sins, that you might forgive them and heal this land of ours. I pray that youll work in the hearts of the members of congress, that they be willing to put aside their political expedience and partisan politics and personal agendas, that they would strive to do what is best for our nation as a
The speaker pro tempore the house will be the speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 600, the amendment in the nature of a substitute shall be considered as adopted and the bill as amended shall be considered read. The bill shall be debatable for one hour, equally divided among and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on energy and commerce and the chair and ranking minority member on the committee on ways and means. The gentleman from minnesota, mr. Paulsen, and the gentleman from michigan, mr. Levin, will each control 15 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from minnesota. Mr. Paulsen i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and insert extrages you materials on the bill into the record. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Mr. Paulsen i rise in support of h. R. 849, the protecting seniors access to medicare act this discussion is not new, members. Republica
The question for you is whether and how you will participate in the process of creative change. Just a few past commencement speeches from the cspan Video Library and watch more on saturday, may 27, monday, may 29, memorial day, and june 3 on cspan and cspan. Org. The House Committee took a look at the state of medicare recently. Its Payment Systems and expiring provisions. Mark miller heads up the independent agency that advices congress on policy issues affecting the federal program. He testifies. Good afternoon. The first hearing of the Health Subcommittee ways and means will come to order as members are aware, the full subcommittee organized earlier this year ratified our subcommittee assignments. Mr. Tiberi id like to introduce members on my slile and recognize Ranking Member levin to do the same on his side of the aisle. Ill introduce members who are here right now and then well recognize members as they get here later. So to my right, mr. Adrian smith from nebraska. Lynn jenkins