/PRNewswire/ Semler Scientific, Inc. (Nasdaq: SMLR), a company that provides technology solutions to improve the clinical effectiveness and efficiency of.
/PRNewswire/ SecureSeniorConnections®, a leading digital health and wellness platform on a mission to empower seniors to live a healthier and happier life,.
Congress should recognize the real distinction between tax policyand Medicare reform and examine each of the President's policyproposals on its own merits rather than relying on claims thatreforming tax policy will seriously affect Medicare financing.
congratulate me on reelection in the united states senate. the best way to find out about what a party will do is what it has top. we were the ones that drought higher education, medicare programs, the medicaid programs. knocked down the walls of discrimination. we brought a sound economy, sensible foreign policy. those are the essential values of the democratic party, aren t they? i love this country. i believe in the bright light of hope and possibility. i always have, even in the darkest hours. i know what america can achieve. i have seen it. i ve lived it. and with barak obama, we can do it again. [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much.