- Science - Systematic review of economic evaluations of aromatase inhibitors in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer: quality evaluation (BMC Health Services Research) - Science - Successful treatment of a multifocal comminuted open fracture of humerus with severe soft tissue defect: a case report (Journal of Medical Case Reports) - Science - Loculated pericardial hematoma compressing the right atrium post mechanical aortic valve replacement and the role of point-of-care echocardiography: a case report (Journal of Medical Case Reports) - Science - Recovery of driving skills after endoscopy under propofol sedation: a prospective pilot study to assess the driving skills after endoscopic sedation using driving simulation (BMC Anesthesiology) - Science - Associations of systemic oxygen consumption with age and body temperature under general anesthesia: retrospective cohort study (BMC Anesthesiology)