our plan that you can buy insurance across state plans and you would have 12 million more americans insured today, wolf f people like in california could shop around when they see the rates going up, and to shop in other states, and that what we need, but the president offers to provide coverage which is different than care. he is going to put 15 million more on medicaid a program where half of the doctors in america won t see those patients, because the reimbursement rates are so low, and the mayo clinic won t see those patients, and they say we can t afford the stay open with medicaid rates. millions of americans receive medical care through medicaid and many of those covering with this bill are walking into the hospitals with no insurance and no payment whatsoever. my hospital administrators in springfield, illinois, say we would welcome medicaid reimbursement from people who are paying nothing. and let me say, buying across statelines, we support it b we believe there should be b
what i have said very clearly is that i don t think that the issue of medicaid reimbursement for planned parenthood should be an issue in this bill. if we have to get to a point to offer amendments, i would move to strike that. but senator john thoune told the new york times this is the best we can do to try to satisfy all the different perspectives in our conference. it s time to fish or cut bait. senate democrats staged a late-night talk-a-thon in opposition to the gop health care bill. short speeches started shortly after the 5:30 p.m. vote and went on for hours. trump care would be a disaster for the american people, and we are going to fight against it tooth and nail. i know that no republican wants to see anybody die. none of us do. that is the reality that we are dealing with, and you cannot ignore it. you need to do the right thing. vote no on this bill for their sake, for the sake of your