president of the united states calling over his interpreter and saying, hand me your notes and don t tell anybody about what you heard here. the president says that his meetings with putin are not unlike his meetings with abe of japan and other presidents. is there any indication he is as territorial over notes and read-outs from those meetings as he is about the putin meetings? no, i don t think that is the case. i mean, i think that staff have better access and tend to get better read-outs from his interactions with macron and other leaders around the world. truver came into office trying to have this cultivator of a relationship with putin that was puzzling and disconcerting, even to senior officials who work for him inside the white house. and as the story said, i mean, he has gone to extraordinary lengths to try to protect or conceal his conversations with the russian leader.
interpreter doesn t share what happened in the meeting? you re asking me to read the president s psychology. i ll take a shot at that. try for me, phil. it s sunday morning at 7:00 a.m. i ll give it a shot! i think the story is actually increased the likelihood that the president, a, presses forward with the meeting and, b, continues the practices he has used before meeting privately. samantha i think nailed it. the president thinks he is smarter than anybody else. every time he looks at these media reports he thinks has an opportunity to show the media people don t know what they are talking about. i represent you, not them. i think the media reports encourage him to say, that is people like the new york times and the washington post persuade me how to act. i have a better solution for iran and north korea and russia and he is 72 or 73 years old. he is not going to change ghou.
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