Broadcasting Minister Kris Faafoi has sought assurances from the TVNZ board that proper processes were following when hiring Breakfast ex-host Kamahl Santa
Broadcasting Minister Kris Faafoi has sought assurances from the TVNZ board that proper processes were following when hiring Breakfast ex-host Kamahl Santa
The government’s planned new Public Media Entity - backed with $109m a year in last week's Budget - was debated in a virtual meeting this week. But beyond expanded public funding for three years, little more is known about how it will be run, by whom and what it will produce.
TVNZ's Breakfast team has acknowledged on-air the changes the show has undergone, after the abrupt departure of new host Kamahl Santamaria.
Hosts Jenny-M
After months of behind-closed-doors planning, Budget 2022 has at last put some fresh figures for the government's planned public media entity into the public domain. The increase in public funding is substantial, but the precise mix of commercial and public revenue is still unclear - as is the future beyond 2026.