Lightsail provides all the power we need to host our websites, as we are used to from AWS, but making it way easier than ever before. In this article, Leonardo Losoviz explores how to launch a WordPress site in Lightsail in a quick and easy way.
assange. he has been on a vendetta threatening to release materials so damaging to hillary clinton she could never get elected. my view is that many have cheered the document drop because it suits their short-term partisan political interests without thinking through the long-term privacy implications. marco rubio is an exception. he warned his party away from using such material saying today it s the democrats. tomorrow it could be us. so what is the future of such elicit hacks to our democracy, our privacy and the electoral system. joining me now the founder of media lite and law news news with a z and abc news legal analyst dan abrams. i was eager to have you back, dan, because your sights publ h published some of the wikileaks information about colin powell and you had second thoughts about it. well, i had second thoughts in the sense that i thought we needed to have this discussion the one that we re having.