side. it s not like they were trying to pick somebody who would be good on labor rights for god s sake. and so i think that democrats and the groups who protested against andy puzder and his employees who got brave and came out of the woodwork to say what a terrible ceo he was, i think they were right to crow about abadi puzder having his nomination pulled. he s the first cabinet nominee to fail in the confirmation process and that s a big deal but it s worth being clear why he was pulled. why this happened today. i mean, honestly, all the stuff about his terrible labor record has been known about him all along. that s why they picked him, right? it s not a surprise that with a record like that he was going to getconfirmation. but they didn t need democrats to vote for him for his confirmation, they could have confirmed him just with republican votes. and on the republican side of this story today, there s all this noise, particularly into
found steve bannon. after they found steve bannon, posted this police report from the santa monica police department and nbc found further documents from the divorce filings and the abuse claims around the divorce filing. the trump campaign never commented as to whether or not they were aware of this stuff in steve bannon s past when he was brought on to run the campaign. and you know, eventually that story just faded out of the news. to be fair, there was a lot going on at the time. and honestly i think part of the reason that story went away after it was first reported in august is because in, you know, late august early september nobody really believed donald trump could conceivably win the presidency, right? so whatever kind of characters he was bringing on board to rescue his sinking ship of a campaign, i think everybody assumed they would be out of the news sooner or later, why bother going into too much depth? then they won.
so this incident was reported this past summer in august when steve bannon was named ceo of the trump campaign. the ceo of trump campaign. after paul manafort got ousted, they needed a new guy, they found steve bannon. after they found steve bannon, posted this police report from the santa monica police department and nbc found further documents from the divorce filings and the abuse claims around the divorce filing. the trump campaign never commented as to whether or not they were aware of this stuff in steve bannon s past when he was brought on to run the campaign. and you know, eventually that story just faded out of the news. to be fair, there was a lot going on at the time. and honestly i think part of the reason that story went away after it was first reported in august is because in, you know, late august early september nobody really believed donald trump could conceivably win the
a terrible ceo he was, i think they were right to crow about abadi puzder having his nomination pulled. he s the first cabinet nominee to fail in the confirmation process and that s a big deal but it s worth being clear why he was pulled. why this happened today. i mean, honestly, all the stuff about his terrible labor record has been known about him all along. that s why they picked him, right? it s not a surprise that with a record like that he was going to getconfirmation. but they didn t need democrats to vote for him for his confirmation, they could have confirmed him just with republican votes. and on the republican side of this story today, there s all this noise, particularly into this evening, about how andy puzder didn t get confirmed, of course he had to get his nomination yanked because he wasn t right wing enough on immigration. you see noise about this. he hired an undocumented worker.
attacks on the press and calling the journalists of the united states of america fake news and elevating pro-trump blogs as if they re equivalent to the washington post or nbc news or something in the press briefing. we ve all been watching that is a media business story. clearly in terms of this story about the context with the russian government we re seeing the new york times and the washington post and the wall street journal and nbc and cnn and all these other outlets do good work in terms of getting this information to the public. my question remains whether or not we should expect this to continue to be just a journalistic enterprise or whether there will be any part of the u.s. government that gets to the bottom of this that does the investigatory work and that ultimately brings prosecutions if this turns out to be a criminal matter. well, therein lies the problem. right now there is not a credible investigation in the united states. you have investigations open in bo