It was the hottest day of the year, so far. Anyone with foresight knew this and was either in a floaty on the lake or home watching Hallmark Christmas movies (this would not be me).
I’d practiced my w.
Who knew that every weekend in May and June was slated for rain?
Have you noticed Tuesdays have been spectacular? Bright-eyed, sunny and not overly warm. If you planned your wedding reception or grad.
APPLEGATE VALLEY, Ore. A local author’s book about re-enacting travel along the Oregon Trail with a wagon train has recently been published.
Life along the Applegate Trail: A Tale of Grit and Determination debuted March 8th with hardcover and paperback.
The author, local woman Linda Lochard, used her re-enactment experience along with 1846 diary entries from real pioneers to create her novel.
“It’s been really interesting because everyone needs something from a book, whether that’s history, a romance novel, educative [reading] or something just to entertain them and I think this book has a lot of everything in it,” said Lochard.