The hashtag ‘#EqualityForTelangana’ was trending on number one position on Twitter in India during the five hour visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Hyderabad. Netizens tweeted many questions to the Prime Minister demanding as to why Telangana was ignored when it came to allocations of funds or national status to its projects. A few Ministers and public representatives
As Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a statue of equality in Hyderabad on Saturday, supporters of Telangana s ruling party TRS led by Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) and his cabinet colleagues, posed a question Where is equality for Telangana .
As Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a statue of equality in Hyderabad on Saturday, supporters of Telangana s ruling party TRS posed a question Where is equality for Telangana .When Modi was dedicating the 216-feet-high Statue of Equality .