they were all freaking out and after it was all over, they applauded me. bill: that s cool. that must have made you feel really good, huh? bower, did you go back and finish the game? yes. bill: did you win it? yes. and then at the end of it we had one more game. that was our third game. i ripped my mask off and caught one. bill: that s a great day. you made a great memory. aiden and bower you guys are connected forever. get to know each other, okay? thank you, gentlemen, for sharing your story, all right? thank you. thank you. bill: good luck, bower, back in school now, thanks for doing this. dana: absolutely adorable. great interview. to the white house now where president biden is going to be honoring several people for the with the medal of valor. these are recipients from all across the country, public