of mitt romney? that s the parallel here. and to say, well, yes, we condition aid all the time. for legitimate reasons, yes. for legitimate reasons you might say to a fwgovernor of a state, hey, governor of a state, you should chip in more towards your own disaster relief. but if the president s real motive in depriving a state of disaster relief is because that governor won t get his attorney general to investigate the president s political rival, are we ready to say that the president can sacrifice the interests of the people of that state or in the case of med ved yef the people of our country because all quid pro quos are fine, it s carte blanche? is that really what we re prepared to say with respect to this president s can you be the or t conduct or the next? because if we are the next president of the united states can ask for an investigation of you. they can ask for help in their