younger older than me within the federal workers pool. that s going to be the law of the land. that certainly could have been achieved. let s remember that there is going to be a lot of gaming in this system. first of all, someone can choose to pay 2% if that s a better deal than actually having insurance. you can be people that will only pay $700 for the penalty for not having it. there s a lot of questions there. what we do know is taxes are going up. not only does nothing in this bill drive down the cost of health care overall but there are actually new loopholes in t.o.r.t. so there will be more suits. you represent a district in florida, including hollywood, florida. a lot of seniors live down there. i ve been getting e-mails from seniors worried about their beloved medicare because this legislation will cut medicare growth half a trillion dollars over the next ten years. that s $50 billion a year. how do you cut that kind of med tear expenditure without reducing benefits fo