And said how hes going to pay for it but it gets him halfway there. Every study done shows medicare for all is the most Cost Effective approach to providing health care to every man, woman and child in this country. I, who wrote the damn bill, if i may say so, intend to eliminate all outofpocket expenses. While bernie wrote the bill, i read the bill. And on page eight on page eight of the bill it says that we will no longer have private insurance as we know it. I dont think thats a bold idea. I think its a bad idea. Paul lets bring in wall street journal columnist kim strassel, Kyle Peterson and James Freeman. So james, who do you think got the better of that very Important Health Care Exchange . I think klobuchar and biden raised the right questions for which sanders and warren dont have an answer. This plan as senator klobuchar pointed out is going to get rid of private insurance in america. Its also going to get rid of most of the othe insurance, the government insurance, and he rep
And the senator has come forward and said how hes going to pay for it but it gets him halfway there. Every study done shows medicare for all is the most Cost Effective approach to providing health care to every man, woman and child in this country. I, who wrote the damn bill, if i may say so, intend to eliminate all outofpocket expenses. While bernie wrote the bill, i read the bill. And on page eight on page eight of the bill it says that we will no longer have private insurance as we know it. I dont think thats a bold idea. I think its a bad idea. Paul lets bring in wall street journal columnist kim strassel, Kyle Peterson and James Freeman. So james, who do you think got the better of that very Important Health Care Exchange . I think klobuchar and biden raised the right questions for which sanders and warren dont have an answer. This plan as senator klobuchar pointed out is going to get rid of private insurance in america. Its also going to get rid of most of the othe insurance, the
And the senator has come forward and said how hes going to pay for it but it gets him halfway there. Every study done shows medicare for all is the most Cost Effective approach to providing health care to every man, woman and child in this country. I, who wrote the damn bill, if i may say so, intend to eliminate all outofpocket expenses. While bernie wrote the bill, i read the bill. And on page eight on page eight of the bill it says that we will no longer have private insurance as we know it. I dont think thats a bold idea. I think its a bad idea. Paul lets bring in wall street journal columnist kim strassel, Kyle Peterson and James Freeman. So james, who do you think got the better of that very Important Health Care Exchange . I think klobuchar and biden raised the right questions for which sanders and warren dont have an answer. This plan as senator klobuchar pointed out is going to get rid of private insurance in america. Its also going to get rid of most of the othe insurance, the
That professor aaron mason recently informed me that he will not be here and making a presentation, and, therefore, you should expect to hear three presentations instead of four. I trust that this may make sure that we have enough time for audience questions and participation at the end, which is a minor benefit from not getting to hear professor masons presentation. So well still try to use our 90 minutes effectively. All of the presenters have had to cut their presentations in order to fit our session. All of the presentations represent work in progress, which is exciting. Our speakers will present in the order in which they appear on your program, beginning with Michael Gunther. Professor Michael Gunther hails from historic lake george, new york. He earned his ph. D. In history in 2010. He is current professor of history at georgia gwinnett college, a fouryear institution in the suburbs of atlanta. Dr. Gunther recently published a journal article on the bordering of quebec in the 17
A good way. But to make sure that we have adequate time for everyone. So when you get to five minutes left, i have a fiveminute card and i will lay it up so you can see it and then three minutes and one minute so you can see where you are. So we have time for everyone. Im going to introduce each panelist as they come forward, because i found if you introduce them all at once people forget who they are. So i will begin with our first panelist who is john f. Polk. He received his ph. D. In mathematics from the the university of delaware in 1979. He served three years in the army, including a tour in vietnam. He is retired from a 45year career as a scientist and Senior Adviser of International Research collaboration at the u. S. Army research laboratory, aberdeen proving ground, maryland. He is currently the clan historian for clan pollock international and publishes short articles on Family History in the clan news letter. He has published two backs on historical topics, beyond damned qu