we believe that the state above the the correct outcome today which was life without the possibility of parole for the mec mcmichaels. and we wanted them to have their day in the court, and and to be forced to explain the motivation behind their actions, and so that s why it was so important that we reject that plea deal, and allow things to play out in court. you are, um so you re you re are you satisfied with the outcome for, um, roddy and also for the mcmichaels? yeah. i think this the outcome was appropriate for all three defendants. each of these men will be serving at least 30 years in prison. william roddy bryan he was as culpable of these men. without his his involvement, these ahmaud may have been able to get away that day. but there was some reflection on his part, after the fact, that maybe what he did was the wrong thing. and i i tend to agree with what the court had to say about roddy s involvement. um, you know, you wanda, the way you talked ab