March 15, 1931
Between 50 and 60 of the unemployed men of Cadillac have been given work in the city snow removal crews this week, according to George Johnston, city manager. Not that many have worked all week, however, as the city manager shared the work instead of having a smaller permanent crew. Quite a number of streets had to be shoveled out, the snow being too deep and heavy for the plows. Today a crew was working on Paluster Street. Every state road is now open and widened out so that traffic is safe, A.L. Burridge, division engineer, said today. The pavement south from Fife Lake is practically bare. State crews are now floating the gravel roads. The county crew encountered considerable trouble on the Meauwataka Road but have now passed the worst place and expects to have it all open some time this afternoon. The other double-header outfit was working on old U.S. 131 and it was expected this would be open tonight.