call witnesses, subpoena evidence, and pretty much anything they need to compromise the schiff s approval for everything, and may be that as my nancy pelosi is refusing to call this an official impeachment resolution. take a look.k. can we have you talk about the impeachment resolution? is not an impeachment resolution. sean: i guess pelosi and i can agree on one thing: it s not an impeachment resolution. this is not when newt gingrich offered bill clinton in 1998. his process was actually really fair. she doesn t want to mirror that. what this is a smoke and mirrors. they re trying to make you think it is something that it is not. it is not fair. it is not what newt gingrich offered to clinton. it s anything but fair. now what this really is is a massive fishing expedition in the hopes that any cooked up allegation might stick. and then we will impeach him. we don t know on what, but we will impeach him then. it is a fraudulent, it is an
smugness, and groupthink. dvr it, if you have an advanced degreen in electronics electrical engineering or whatever. good night from washington. sean hannity takes the reins right now from new york city. sean: one swamp to the other. welcome to hannity. today is day 35 of the democrats secret, soviet style, impeachment coup attempt, although it s really been their goal, think about it, from the day that you, we the people, elected donald trump as president. breaking just moments ago, the democratic party may be starting to fracture. look at this, at least one democratic congresswoman now reportedly planning to oppose his party s latest, unfair which we will explain impeachment we will have a full report tonight from capitol hill, but first, another day, secret meeting, secret hearing, secret transcripts, secret whistle-blower, non whistle-blower, here say whistle-blower, all because of a phone call between president trump and the president of ukraine.
full house to debate the plan thursday morning, and the boat itself will come mid-day thursday. foxconn s 228 democrats supporting the impeachment inquiry resolution, more than enough to adopt the resolution on the house floor. now, just a night from democratic south carolina and congressman joe cunningham told fox that he backs theio resolution. five democrats, all from swing districts, remain bag as to whether they support the resolution. new york s anthony bend recent, main, jeff landrieu of new jersey we just talked about, kendra horn of oklahoma, and collin peterson of minnesota, the first four were democratic pickups in 2018. peterson has been in congress since 1991. he has won with 52% of the vote the last two cycles. president trump won petersons district by staggering 31 points in 2016. today, house majority leader steny hoyer quibble with calling the measure and impeachment resolution, so i asked him if democrats were concerned with it
witch hunt, we have the corrupt, compromise, coward, and congenital liar adam schiff. he wants you to believe something much different. schiff, who won t come on this show to defend himself. he has zero fidelity to truth. he is a pathetic liar. and for three years, he has worshiped at the altar of his impeachment lies. his constant lies. he s got all the evidence we would ever need about russia russia russia collusion. it was a hoax and conspiracy, lies, didn t work out. now let s try ukraine. its evolving narrative, what they are now calling it. in other words, you have the cowardly schiff trying really hard to get his lies straight. remember, first according to schiff, there were multiple direct quid pro quos from the president s call with your
jury, and executioner, in what will be nothing but a public show trial designed to convince, stack the deck to the american people that this president deserves to be impeached, and were being fair when they re not being a fair. as congressman jordan noted from ohio, these public changes in proceedings, well, it s like putting lipstick on a pig, but until the charade goes public, schiff s top secret, soviet style impeachment coup attemptac is going to continue. and like any, say, cuban style show trial, the whole truth always takes a backseat to the preferred, well, propaganda, political narrative. listen to congressman jordan of ohio had to say about the closed-door hearings we didn t get to see or watch. > chairman schiff has prevend the witness from answering certain questions during the deposition. you know, one of the things you do in these if is you asked the