a very dangerous ideas in a position to do serious damage. because while congressman ryan might look like a harmless budget wonk, his dangerous ideas are right out of the right wing talkers playbook. the wealthy, the rich, the achieved ought to be the role models for everybody. a lot of people are lazy, and a lot of people are becoming lazier. the more aid you give, the more excuse they can to ratchet up the tuition. we need to have a president who will sign a measure defunding, repealing, getting rid of and replacing obamacare. when you re hungry, you re going to figure out a way to eat. why are we giving sesame street money. why won t we give them a nickel? all of those radical beliefs, they re in the ryan budget. he is just like limbaugh. he thinks our rich role models deserve tax breaks. apparently, he also thinks the
physical therapy tea party endorsed 14 and 12 of them lost in a bad economy. so you have got to win, if you want to dismantle obama care, you have got to win, and yeah. got to have. bill: cruz may be the guy to take the tea party up again. well, we will see. here is the deal though. we need to have a president who will sign a measure defunding, repealing, getting rid of and replacing obama care and until we have a president who is going to do that we are going to be. bill: that s three years away. that s why i favor a delay strategy. i think it is better for us to get a narrative going says democrats and republicans alike say president obama, if you want to give the corporations a year s delay, you have got to give the working man and woman a year s delay by delaying the individual mandate. we have 30-some odd democrats. wait a minute, wait a minute. we had nearly 30 democrats in the house of representatives vote for that measure. i bet you a dime to a dollar that if it
party endorsed 14 and 12 of them lost in a bad economy. so you have got to win, if you want to dismantle obama care, you have got to win, and yeah. got to have. bill: cruz may be the guy to take the tea party up again. well, we will see. here is the deal though. we need to have a president who will sign a measure defunding, repealing, getting rid of and replacing obama care and until we have a president who is going to do that we are going to be. bill: that s three years away. that s why i favor a delay strategy. i think it is better for us to get a narrative going says democrats and republicans alike say president obama, if you want to give the corporations a year s delay, you have got to give the working man and woman a year s delay by delaying the individual mandate. we have 30-some odd democrats. wait a minute, wait a minute. we had nearly 30 democrats in the house of representatives vote for that measure. i bet you a dime to a dollar that if it came up on a straight
party endorsed 14 and 12 of them lost in a bad economy. so you have got to win, if you want to dismantle obama care, you have got to win, and yeah. got to have. bill: cruz may be the guy to take the tea party up again. well, we will see. here is the deal though. we need to have a president who will sign a measure defunding, repealing, getting rid of and replacing obama care and until we have a president who is going to do that we are going to be. bill: that s three years away. that s why i favor a delay strategy. i think it is better for us to get a narrative going says democrats and republicans alike say president obama, if you want to give the corporations a year s delay, you have got to give the working man and woman a year s delay by delaying the individual mandate. we have 30-some odd democrats. wait a minute, wait a minute. we had nearly 30 democrats in the house of representatives vote for that measure. i bet you a dime to a dollar that if it came up on a straight