for office because both of you have made such an impact on this debate and i thank both of you very much. i wish i was there with you now, both of you. thank you and joining me now is victor david hanson who runs institutional fellow and today measure de sousa commentator film maker. your take away from tonight, we re going to check in with bill hemmer on new jersey which is fascinating as well. victor? yeah, i don t think it was just local issues. those were the ignition switch that sent off this dynamite the last 12 months. i think people looked at the status of the country laura and they said this is anarchy, this is chaos, it s beyond politics, we don t have a important rus border we have no border. we don t have inflation, we printed the money with zero interest. we didn t get humiliated we got terribly humiliated in afghanistan. we didn t just have a chain supply, we deliberately created it by subsidizing non-labor and i think they think, why did he