Press Release
August 3, 2021
Senator Pia Cayetano hails suspension of BIR regulation on the tax rates of private schools; cites role of private schools as government s partner in educating our youth Let s help the private schools do their job as the government s partner in educating our children.
Thus said Senate Ways and Means Chair Senator Pia S. Cayetano, as she welcomed the Bureau of Internal Revenue s (BIR) Revenue Regulations No. 14-2021, which suspended the inclusion of for-profit private schools in the regime of regular income tax.
To recall, on June 30, the Senate Committee on Ways and Means already held a hearing on Senate Bill No. 2272 filed by Sen Sonny Angara, amending Section 27(B) of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) on the preferential tax rates of private schools.