it s maga plus plus. i don t know we have to come up with a new name. they call themselves ultra. give joe biden credit for mega maga. he did ultra maga. that s one of the reasons. they want more mega maga in congress. they don t want kevin mccarthy going in there and picking a more establishment if you take a step back and look at the makeup of the house, the democrats and the republicans, they have very gerrymandered very solidly blue, solidly red districts for the most part. in these red districts, whoever wins the primary wins the seat. so that s why who plays in these primaries is the ball game for these republicans. you are exactly right, they want to have more like-minded republicans who end up in congress.
allowing this chaos to continue. that doesn t seem to have changed any minds. in fact, lauren boebert, who has been down to mar-a-lago and is a creation of trump world in many regards dissed him, saying he has it wrong. that s right. there s an element of a fear factor that s not present right now. it s worth recalling that this energy, this house freedom caucus energy, grows out of the tea party, which pre-dates donald trump. donald trump seized on it and capitalized on it and fuelled it and benefitted from it and found common cause with these folks. he didn t create this kind of energy in the house. i think that he believes he did. i think he believes these are people who like him and will do whatever he wants. they re not seeing it that way right now. if anything, mccarthy lost one vote after trump reissued his support this morning. if mccarthy ends up getting a deal and becomes the speaker,
do not want him to give in too much to the right wing of the conference. that is the balancing act of kevin mccarthy as he negotiates with them. he has to make sure he doesn t put off any other members. they believe that they are making progress to getting to 218. we will see if they are able to do that. let s listen in. the prayer will be offered by chaplain kibin. would you pray with me? build this house, lord, lest all who labor therein do so in vain. watch over our gathering, lest we stay awake without purpose. provide wisdom, discernment and forbearance, lest we eat the
this vote the yea are 216. the nay are 214. accordingly, the motion is adopted. accordingly, the house stands adjourned until noon tomorrow. they adjourn until noon tomorrow. this begins again at noon. sorry, charlie, i interrupted you. what does the speaker do now? i think or want to be speaker. what kevin mccarthy is going to do is they will go into sessions and try to make concessions. you hear some people say that they maybe have moved a few people. they have to move a lot of people. by my count, they need 16, maybe 17 since sparks is a present vote, they need her back. let s say they move ten people. they still have six or seven that they need. they can only lose four votes. it seems to me they still aren t
to help kevin mccarthy? is there some sort of compromise candidate who governs from the center? are the democrats going to do it? congressman paul gosar, the white supremacist adjacent republican from arizona, we saw him talking on the floor of the house with congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez which was quite a sight. what i m told he was asking about is that mccarthy forces were telling the rebels he is a rebel the democrats are going to vote present so as to bring down the threshold so mccarthy can win. he wanted to know if that was true. why would democrats do anything to help, a, they love this, they are literally eating popcorn and watching this. b, all of these rule changes