night. i m under contract as long as they seem to want me. coming up, sebastian gorka will weigh in on the terror attack targeting children in manchester. at monica crowley and jay sekulow will weigh in and later, an explosive investigation report by circuit news sara carter and john solomon about how the obama administration violated your privacy rights for years and only revealed what was happening just days before donald trump was elected. they will break that news in a disturbing new report with details, right v here me a care. (avo) if their alzheimer s is getting worse, ask about once-a-day namzaric. namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimer s disease in patients taking donepezil. namzaric may improve cognition and overall function, and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. namzaric does not change the underlying disease progression. don t take if allergic to memantine,