what president vladimir putin called a tit for tat with the u.s. and russia firing back that accusation that in fact it was the u.s. that has been in violation of this treaty for decades. that came out of a meeting this morning, between putin, his defense minister and his foreign minister. so russia has made their intentions clear. if the u.s. isn t going to be in this treaty. russia sees no reason to be in this treaty. putin said there should not and will not be an arms race between the u.s. and russia. just after saying that, russia announced the development of a new missile called the caliber missile. in its current format it s a sea-baseded me yim range hyper sonic missile. russia said they would be grounding the missile. in other words developing the missile to make it a ground-based missile and that would be a clear violation of the treat tey. but that treaty doesn t hold any water nor the russians or the u.s. at this point.