this is happening in america right now. because of these horriblehorrib economic and energy policies. but competing criticism, people criticize you becausefour you say, i m proud of the fourh year record that i had with donald trump . i m incredibly proud of the record the trump administration left stronger and more prosperous than ever before. sperouanand this administrationr systematically dismantled the progress that we have maded at home and abroad. roadbut i have to take that.t of as i said , most ofs obse the national media is obsessed with this story. most ossf the nationalthis. medd is obsessed with my old running mate. bu t as i travel aroundn pe the country, the american people are deeply concerneopd about what s happening in thisa economy. they re deeply concerned about thei budgets, arechildrenabout deeply concerned about whether their children or grandchildre s are going to grow up y in amerih with as many opportunitiesad as you and i had. s and i really do be
and so i welcome that becauseg h it shows we re doing something inright. you know, when it comes to what0 we re looking at now, listen to the first 20 minutes ofg your show. look at everything that s wrong in this country and tell me wefn don t need new leadership. bucet the difference is we w nel new generational leadership. we have to leave the statusea quo. ta have to leave this chaos behind. and we ve got to start talkinga about the futureth . out the futureth you need a washington outsiders, that s going to come in i und and say, yeser, i understand tht thd say, yeser, i understand tht more to make their grocerythei bill . i understand that they arech worried about their childrenil ma fror get back fromhildrenil what they lost during covid.. i understand the fact whens fa someone s factory leaves town , he s worried that his future went with . i understand that you shouldwenw not have americans looking upt at the skyyo and seeing a chine spy balloon.lloo looking back at them. this