and he fight against cancer in the comforts of her home. this is my bedroom. it s a great place to wake up because i have a wonderful view. it s suft a happy room. it is. are there moments where you can t get out of bed? sure. there are days when everybody who has been through what i have been through in my marriage or been through with disease or lost somebody they care about have days when they pull the covers right back up over their heads and stay put. in some ways it s nice for me toe have cancer because if i m feeling like that, the kids come in here and assume i m feeling bad because of the chemo 15 it s not the reason i m feeling bad. if cancer can be a safe place to go, emotionally it might be for them. i think everybody has had days where they cannot get out of bed and all of a sudden you re important in somebody s life. during that interview, berkus
the state championship. if you wonder how seriously we take friday nights and high school football, now you know. let s talk about albert haynesworth, suspended for the last four games. a lot of people don t like sports because they look at athletes as overpaid and coddled and spoiled. this resonates. he signed a seven-year $100 million deal last year, and cashed a $21 million bonus check in april and showed up to team practices out of shape and didn t show up for mini-camps. was a cancer on the team. teammates got upset, and his coach said, we are suspendeding him for the last four games of the season. his brother did die of a motorcycle accident in october. people have criticized the coach for bringing it out into the media. it is like a soap opera in washington and we re not talking about capitol hill. i have notes about this.